My name is Lee Jones, and I have a writing problem. Or better said, I use writing to work through my problems. Or sometimes just to leave a little trail of where I was in this life. And I have a great life, starting with this crew:

This is a place for me to write about music, family, scuba diving, trout fishing, politics, or whatever else I choose. You’re welcome to read it, and if you have something useful to add, I’d love to hear from you.
One of the things that keeps me busiest, and happiest these days, is my granddaughter, Elena. She’s the bomb.

By the way, if you’re wondering if I’m the “poker guy” Lee Jones, yeah, I used to be him. I haven’t worked seriously in the poker industry since 2018, but haven’t lost an iota of my love for the game. I may occasionally write something about poker at or elsewhere, but 99% of my involvement in the poker world these days is playing poker and talking about the game itself. I like it that way.